Friday, May 8, 2015

Five for Friday - May 8th, 2015

Well...I'm back! What a better way to bust back on to the scene than to emerge with a look at what I've been up to.

I got my brand-new, super-gorgeous Erin Condren life planner this week. It's the one on top....isn't it pretty? As you can see, I have bit of an obsession. I have the life planner in pink taffy stripes, the take note notebook (keep it simple version) in the purple butterfly, and the teacher lesson planner in the happy (rainbow) stripes. I actually do use all of these!
(If you like, you can get $10 off your first order at Erin Condren by clicking this link.)

Well, the year is winding down. I know some teachers are getting ready for their last week, but that is definitely NOT me. We don't get out until June 18th!!!! I know! We start our state testing in a week and a half. It's all prep time now. But I always love coming into my quiet, peaceful classroom in the morning, opening the blinds, and sipping my coffee....before I start running around like a maniac of course.
It is so crazy has fast babies grow up. My girl turned 2 last month. Yesterday, she was sleeping and yelled out, "mmmm....SHAPES!!!". So...I guess that's what life is about for toddlers; juice, snack, and shapes. It definitely made my teacher heart happy!
This week was Teacher Appreciation Week, just incase you've been hiding under a rock in teacher-bloggy land and hadn't noticed all the posts and amazing giveaways. My administration and PTCO is awesome and they did something for us everyday. Yesterday, one of my super sweet kiddos brought me an apple. It was so simple and made my whole day. Here it is, on my desk, with my Erin Condren teacher planner and life planner. I promise I'm not getting any money for all this Erin Condren talk, I just need to be super organized to stay on top of things at school or I quickly feel like I'm drowning. I do feel silly when other teachers walk in and see both planners open on my desk, but my lesson planner keeps me on track with lessons throughout the day (...obviously) and my life planner keeps me on track with my to-do's. I would love to have a mash-up of the two where I could have my lessons by week and a morning, afternoon, night layout by week. But I guess then I could see both pages at once. 
Look! I made a dashboard for my planner! Well, it's not technically a dashboard in this picture, it's just laminated Project Life cards. But I cut apart the bottom and top pieces and plan on throwing them onto coil clips to keep in my planner. I'm so excited to use these!

Well, that's it for this week!

Pop on over to Doodle Bugs Teaching to the Five for Friday Link-Up.

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