Thursday, July 7, 2016

Five for Friday: July 8th, 2016

It's Friday! I absolutely love linking up with Kacey of Doodle Bugs Teaching for her weekly linky party. I follow so many amazing blogs and it is nice to get to know more about everyone. This week, I had so much fun! We have family in town, so it was a nice mix of going out and staying in to relax. I cannot wait to share with you.

My husband and I kicked off the fourth of July weekend at the Nats game with my sister in law and her husband. I am not really a sports person and I definitely don't understand the rules of most sports games, but I really got into this. Hopefully we can go back soon. It was a wonderful experience with amazing weather!

Unlike the weather for the baseball game, the Fourth of July was a mess. It was rainy and humid ALL DAY. Fortunately, that did stop us from dressing for the occasion and getting out of the house. We ended up leaving the kids with the grandparents and going to see Independence Day with all of my husband's siblings. It was actually a pretty good movie.

Earlier this week I finally finished the second edition of my Grammar Interactive Notebook. Hallelujah! Not only is the first edition my top selling product, it is also the product I use most often in my classroom. I started working on a "Around the World" themed second edition at the beginning of the school year and just never finished it. I loved how it turned out and I can't wait to use it with my group of kiddos next year!

I also finally started shopping for my new little one this week. When I was pregnant with my daughter, Gracie, I had a ton of clothes and an almost complete nursery by 7 months. This time around, I am just buying the first piece of clothing, a super cute onesie with a matching shirt for big sis. This baby is already going through second kid syndrome. I feel kind of bad, but since I'm having another girl, I don't need a lot. We don't even have a name picked out yet. I need to get my life together.

At the beginning of this week, I enrolled in Chalk and Apples 3 Week Blogger Challenge Course. I cannot believe she is offering this course for free, it is awesome! I have finished the first week and I have already done so much to optimize my blog like add a blog description that will make my posts be more "findable" by search engines, organize and clean up my blog labels, and fine tune my "About Me" page. I highly recommend getting yourself enrolled and taking advantage of this resource!

Have an amazing Friday!


  1. Congrats on your second baby. Your first little one is a doll! And I really need to enroll in that class I keep reading about. A little summer school for me! Thanks for sharing. Kathleen Kidpeople Classroom

  2. I just enrolled in Chalk and Apples blogger course, too. I am super excited about it!
    Storybook Endings

  3. Congrats on your new little one on the way! I also started Chalk and Apples course. I've only finished the second item, but it's been awesome so far. I'm with you - I can't believe the class is for free. I've learned so many things from it already!
    Team J's Second Grade Fun
