Monday, August 11, 2014

Introducing Yourself to Your Students

Do you introduce yourself to your students before meeting them? Every year, I send a letter telling the students (and parents) about myself and reminding them about our Meet the Teacher Day. I love sending a letter and every year I get fantastic results. I have found that it makes students feel less anxious about meeting me because they already know what I look like and some facts about me. I have also found that parents tend to use what I wrote as an icebreaker to start a conversation with me.

Below is the letter I will be sending this year to my students. We don't start until September 2nd, but I like to get this out of the way so that once my school opens, I can spend my time setting up my room.
*I am currently doing 5 things at once, so please let me know if there is a typo in the letter. Thanks!

 I also made my letter into a FREE editable template for grades K-6. You can download it at my TPT Store.

I would love to hear how you acquaint yourself with your students at the beginning of the year.

UPDATE: Due to some requests, I recently updated my homework post with an editable template as well! Click here to view the post.


  1. I love this idea. What a great way to connect with your families! Adrienne, I don't know if you know about the Virginia Teacher Blogger Group, but I thought you might be interested. We are doing a blog hop in two weeks if you'd like to join in. Just find me on Facebook, and I'll add you to the group.
    Carla @ Comprehension Connection

  2. I love this!! Thank you for making this a freebie! I've already downloaded it and plan to use it next year.

    I was wondering if you'd be willing to share how you made the first two slides locked so the pictures and text are unable to be copied? I am a seller on TpT, and I have a social studies foldable I'd like to make available, but it really should be editable as not everyone teaches in the same way. There are some graphics to make the foldable cute, but without locking them down, others could steal them. If you are willing to share how you created the locked slides, I would truly appreciate it! My email address is

    Thank you!
